
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Pretty dresses, cocktails and general drinking!

We all love dresses right?! And there are so many types of dresses to choose from.. much more interesting than the average pair of jeans and t-shirts that men usually are wont to wear. So yeah, cocktail dresses, long formal dresses, summer dresses.. I love 'em all! And what I like even more is wearing these dresses while I'm out and about... and fortunately, I don't have to worry about occasions where to wear those dresses as most of my pics on Flickr can confirm. :)

Now, I do have a few female friends who have gorgeous dresses, but never get to enjoy them because they don't wear them! Either they think it's too much for your average birthday party or because they usually just prefer their casual clothing. Whatever the reasons, the end result is that those pretty dresses end up collecting dust in their closets.. and I know we all agree that *that* just cannot be!

The solution? Invent the occasion where pretty dresses are the norm.. such as sipping on delicious cocktails in hip loungy bars! And this is exactly what we did, a few weekends ago. We booked a hotel in a city where the cocktail bar came highly recommend, packed a few dresses and headed out.

This is a simple dress but it is glittery and I combined it with some cute ankle boots.. studded so it fits with the dress. It's still winter, so during the evening/night.. I don't want to wear open shoes. :-P

My friend also wore a very pretty dress and she also applied some make-up.. she looked very pretty! Can't show her face, because privacy 'n stuff... but you can at least see the dress!

The bar itself was very hip and nice.. but it was carnival weekend, so it was relatively quiet.. and seeing as the waitresses also wanted to celebrate carnival.. they actually closed the bar early! So there we were.. chucked out on the streets in our pretty dresses and our high heels! We went back to hotel, but we decided that we still want to party a bit more. So we changed into more casual outfits.. and headed out again to a student bar.

Here we had a couple of nice beers, good conversations and general fun.. and after we got kicked out of that bar because they also started closing.. we finally decided to call it a proper night and headed back to our hotel for a good night sleep. Here's to more of those cocktail parties! :)

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