
Friday, May 23, 2014

Tassia in the UK - meeting the girls in Essex

Almost 10 years ago, when I started dressing properly again after a long hiatus, I never thought I would go out in public openly.. you know.. shopping, restaurants, clubs, stuff like that. And what I definitely didn't think I would do, was meeting up with like-minded ladies! Since then, I have had the pleasure of meeting my on-line friends in a lot of places.. both in the Netherlands and abroad.. countries like Iceland, the US, Belgium. And since this month, I can add friends from the UK to that list! :)

My main reason for visiting the UK was to visit some friends of mine whom I know from when they lived in the Netherlands. Since I was travelling by car on a ferry to Harwich, I thought.. let's see who actually lives in those regions.. i.e. Essex. So I contacted Kay and Helen.. and soon Kay told me that Janet was graciously offering her house as a meet-up place and that she would also prepare a wonderful lunch!

While Janet and her partner were busy preparing the lunch,... Helen (on the left), Kay (on the right) and I were comfortably lounging around while getting to know each other better. When meeting people for the first time, one never knows how the whole atmosphere will be and if there will be a click... but I think I can safely say that we all hit it off and the whole day was spent chatting and having a laugh!

As you can see, we were given the 5-star treatment by Janet.. and I must say.. it was a delicious and plentiful lunch! On the right-side, Kay and Helen were acting silly pointing at a leaflet saying "The tastiest pork". :-P

Of course, having travelled to visit my friends, I also wanted photos together with them.. so we took care of that. It's a good thing that we all love dressing up and that we all love getting our photos taken :)

After having had our wonderful lunch, we all miraculously still fit in our clothes.. and seeing as it was splendid weather outside, we quickly went outside to the beautiful garden for some gratuitous photography. There's no shame in admitting that we all have our little narcissistic tendencies.. and they need to be fulfilled! :P

We had our shades.. we posed.. and with all the cameras present, I have no doubt that some of you might already have seen other photos on Facebook and/or Flickr of this impromptu photo session!

I actually don't think this little blog-post really succeeds in conveying how great this day was and how much fun and laughs we were having while we were chatting, eating, posing, photographing each other. Trust me, it was wonderful!

So ladies, thank you all so much for having me there! :)


  1. So pretty pics. ;-)
    Lovely greets Ness

  2. Looks like good fun, with impeccably civilized folks!

    1. Shae, it was great fun.. and the ladies were all so welcoming! :)

  3. Such a lovely record of a great day!

    1. It was a great day.. I'm glad you like this post.. since you were there! :)
