
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Having a personal hairdresser is great!

While I still have a lot to learn about make-up (still want to do a proper course or have a MAC MUA teach me a few tricks,.. or something like that), I think I've reached a level where I can say that in basic terms.. I know what I'm doing. I mean.. I don't look like a clown, right? :P

However, if we're talking about doing stylish things with hair.. I'm relatively clueless! I know how to brush it into something feminine.. and then cement it with lots of hairspray!

Natassia Crystal natcrys, personal hairdresser, green white dress

Fortunately, I have some friends who love to play with my hair and style it. And I love what they do with it! :D

Actually, I should just film the whole process while they're doing my hair.. and hopefully.. with practice, I can recreate it! :)

Natassia Crystal natcrys, personal hairdresser, green white dress, follow your own star

I'm usually not one for catch phrases, but I do like this one very much! Don't let anyone set your life course for you... YOU are the one who should determine dreams you want to follow.

Of course, this doesn't mean that one should behave like an inconsiderate douche-bag. There are plenty of ways to chase your dreams, while being a good friend or family member. :)

Natassia Crystal natcrys, personal hairdresser, green white dress, scarf

This cute sweet green/white dress is not mine, by the way. As you probably know.. most of my female friends not just like to style my hair.. they also wear the same dress size. This dress (which she found in a thrift shop, if I'm not mistaken) is not the type of dress that I would likely try on while shopping, but I do think it looks quite okay on me. What do you think?

It's probably more suited for working in a hip fashionable environment like creative marketing than for doing experiments in a technical scientific environment like a laboratory. :P

Natassia Crystal natcrys, personal hairdresser, green white dress, on the couch with cocktail

Perhaps cute flats would have been better with this cute dress, but yeah.. heels all the way, baby! So I paired it with my nude New Look 5 inch heels. :)

We didn't shoot any videos during this evening, so until I can get my hands on this dress once more.. you'll have to do with the last two. :P

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