
Saturday, November 28, 2020

The perfect autumn outfit: skinny jeans with a leather jacket


Hi everyone! I hope everyone is still doing well! It's November and we're about to leave the mess that is 2020 behind!

I for one, can't wait for life to go back to normal again, even though there are no guarantees that 2021 will actually deliver that.

So while social distancing and wearing masks and self-quarantining has brought me down.. I am grateful for my small social bubble. And fortunately for me, that includes my friend who takes most of my photos and videos! :-D

And what better outfit to wear for just going out and about during the cold November weeks than some tight and warm skinny jeans with a chic leather jacket.

I actually use this outfit a lot whever I want to glam it up a little bit while doing errands. And yeah, my heels still do attract attention when I'm at the supermarket! :-P

At the end of the day, I actually also changed in to my shiny fetish boots.. but that video is for my Patreon supporters! :-D

I wonder if you can recognise the two cities I was in when taking these photos.

One of these months, I should probably do a photo-shoot in the inner-cities of both of them! ;-)

 I hope your Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping were great! And please stay safe and healthy!

Again, I posted a new public video on YouTube where I'm walking around in these skinny jeans! The Patreon video is longer.. so check out Patreon if you want to see that version and also.. support me! ;-)

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