A geeky t-girl with a love for computers and shoes!

Mid thirties, feeling like a young twenty something.

Trying to develop a stylish and chic look after a late start in life!

Hope you enjoy! :)

P.S.: I have set up a Patreon page.. check it out if you like! ♥


  1. You are a lovely girl with great style and I always feel motivated and excited to do more myself because of you.

    1. Thanks Vicky, that is so sweet of you to say that! I'm glad I have had that positive of an influence! :)

  2. Wow, you have the look and natural foundation to become a beautiful transsexual or transgender woman. I am struggling with women like you because there either is a physiological, biological, psychological and/or genetic strain that effects women like you. I do applaud your braveness in such a life situation and I pray to God for forgiveness and help that this all gets resolved in humanity.

  3. You're not a pretty t-girl, you're truly a beautiful woman.
    If you have an amazon wishlist or something like that, i would be very happy to send you a gift :-)
    Kiss from a french guy in his mid thirties

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for the compliments!

      As much as I love receiving gifts, I don't think it's a good idea.. also.. I don't have an Amazon wishlist.. :P

    2. Thanks for your reply.
      I realize it may seem a little bit weird to send a gift to so you don't know and you'll never meet; i just wanna thank you for your photos, it's enjoyable to see a beautiful and stylish woman (and i'm not a pervert, looking for porn photos/videos on the web ;-) )
      ... and amazon wishlist is a safe system, nobody knows your name/adress except amz
      I don't want to bother you, and i can understand if you feel confused or disturbed to receive compliments/gifts for men (hummm i think i would if i were in your situation...) but if you change your mind, let me know :-)

  4. u r the best crossdresser ever i have seen.... the elegence, maturity and the possiveness in feminity....

    1. Hi Sony, the best?! I'm sure there are many others.. but I appreciate the sentiments! :)

  5. Hello Natassia,

    You are so pretty and feminine!!!

    If you don't mind the questions, I'm curious as to who do you have taking your pictures and videos?

    How much time do you get to spend en-femme? You really are completely passing!

    Do you have a lot of family and friends that know your feminine side?

    Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself here!

    Take care!


    1. Hi Jen!

      Thanks for you compliments and questions and for taking the time to post them here! :)

      My pics and videos are taken by a couple of friends,.. whoever is willing to put up with me. It just depends on the day, the time and the availability.. I don't have one single person helping me out.

      I can get ready in 15 minutes, but most of the time ... I will reserve between 30 and 60 minutes, trying out different clothes and shoes. :)

      Most of my friends know.. and some of my family. But yes.. technically, I'm still in a closet.. though I get to do most of the things I want to do.

      And passing.. I don't know.. sometimes people look. Ís that because they notice something is different or because they like what they see? :P


    2. I missed clicking the notify me button so I didn't see your reply right away- sorry!

      I'm pretty sure that people look because they see a hot sexy lady!

    3. No worries! My life gets so hectic... so I also don't see the replies right away. :)

      Well, if they see a hot sexy lady.. then I'm glad!

  6. Natassia you're an awesome babe, I love your blogspot & Google page !

    1. Hiya! Thanks so much reading my stuff and leaving comments! I'm glad you love it! :)

      If you have suggestions, let me know.. if they're reasonable and do-able.. I will consider them. :)

  7. Thank dear for nice Comments ❤️
    Happy Sunday 😊

  8. That's why I love the Netherlands...! You're a lovely lady, Nats!!


  9. Hello Natassia,

    You are so gorgeous and sexy as female !!!

    Love your long beautiful hair !
    Hope you don't mind me asking....How do you manage your hair when not enfemme ?

    tc and regards

  10. Hi, Natassia, I'm glad that I found your blog, you are so interesting and charming)

    KATE&STUFF| Blog

  11. Love your blog. You are a beautiful women. Keep up the good work.


  12. You are GEEKY girl with BEAUTY in and out. Hope to be like u but living the life only in my dreams. Nice to see someone who blogs also and keep the good work going.

  13. You surely have chic style. I am not sure when I actually started following you on LOOKBOOK or going with this blog, but I do think you look great with your outfits. I hope you're well. Take care.


  14. Love your blog! Been reading it for a few years, on and off. You've got amazing fashion sense, and your poses are definitely model quality.

    Just curious, what's your ethnic background?

    1. Hi Lea!

      A bit of a late reply.. but to answer your question: I was born in the Netherlands to Surinamese parents whose great-great-grandparents came from India.

  15. o.m.g. Ik kwam op jou site via de site van bianca holland en heb net een hele tijd allemaal foto's en video's van jou gezien. Ik ben zelf ook behoorlijk aan het onderzoeken hoe en wat ik allemaal voel en dat is behoorlijk verwarrend soms. Ik ben ook een IT nerd en als ik dan jou verhaal lees en zie hoe jij beweegt komt er weer wat hoop bij me op, ik zie nu steeds meer mensen die wel de kleding en look hebben die ze graag willen en dat geeft me hoop.
    Ik zal jou site nog verder goed blijven bijhouden want ik denk dat ik er veel inspiratie uit zal halen over kleding keuze maar ook hoe sierlijk en mooi jou bewegingen en houding is.
    Hopelijk blijf je lang deze site onderhouden.
    Dank je, en veel suc6

    1. Hoi Saphire!

      Bedankt voor jouw leuke berichtje! :)

      Wat grappig dat je hier via Bianca haar website bent terechtgekomen!

      Het is al weer dik een half jaar verder, dus ik hoop dat je zelf flink wat stappen gemaakt hebt!! :)

  16. hoi Natassia, wat zie je er leuk uit, maar wat ik vragen wil
    "waar heb je dat afterparty jurkje vandaan, heb wel gezocht op internet maar nergens gevonden. groet Astrid Page

    1. Hoi Astrid,

      dat jurkje is al van een hele tijd geleden. Ik heb het volgens mij ooit gekocht bij de CoolCat. :)

      Ik denk niet dat ze hetzelfde jurkje nog steeds in de collectie hebben. :P

  17. Hoi,

    You mentioned somewhere on the blog, that you are originally from North NL, which part? Fryslan maybe? :) Dat is mijn favorite plek in Nederland, weet je. :)
    Also, you replied here to someone, that you are still in the closet. How come? You are so beautiful this way. Do you wear wigs or is this your normal hair? I wish I could look like you...

    1. Hi! :)

      Dat klopt.. ik kom oorspronkelijk uit het noorden. Maar het ligt dichter bij Groningen en Drenthe dan uberhaupt in de buurt van Friesland. :P

      En ik zit technisch gezien nog in de kast inderdaad omdat mijn familie het (nog) niet weet. Misschien komt dat nog.. maar tot die tijd geldt stiekem toch: "voor 95% uit de kast is nog steeds in de kast"

      En nee, ik draag geen pruiken ook zal wil ik daar wel mee gaan experimenteren.

    2. Hoi, ik houd van Groningen ook, ik ben daar vorige jaar geweest. :) Helaas woon ik niet in Nederland... Maar ik kan zegen, Praag is ook een goede stad, ik kan hier - in mannelijke kleding - in hoge hakken lopen (!!). Ik ook vind deze leuk, als je. Jij hebt geen pruiken nodig, jij bent mooi ook zonder ze. Mijn gezin ook weet niet, dat soms draag ik vrouwelijke kleding of hakken, maar mijn zus weet het.
