
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

2500+ subs on YouTube, compilation video with stuff from 2007 to 2013

In my never ending quest for world domination,... a long time ago, I started a YouTube channel.. 2006 to be exact. I only started uploading in 2008.. but the oldest existing video material of me is from 2007 of me in my living room moving my hips like an idiot! :P

I actually did post quite a few unaltered clips, straight from my camera onto YouTube as pretty much everyone did during those times. Editing? Adding music? Exercising a bit of restraint with all those longs clips? Nah... filmed it.. post it! :P

Anyhoo, despite the amateurism, people actually watched the stuff.. and since I started uploading again 3 months ago in November, new people have subscribed putting the total number over 2500! Now, I know that's not a lot in the grand scheme of YouTube things, but it's very encouraging and it does make me very happy. :)

So, while I am trying to film more stuff (hopefully soon with a rig and less shakiness), I thought I'd celebrate this small milestone with a compilation of all the old stuff I dared to post on YouTube in the last 6 years.

Enjoy! :)

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