
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

3 outfits with your average white top

This sentiment may sound like a first-place contender for the National Open Door competition, but one of my favourite things about dressing up is the actual dressing part... or to be more specific.. the clothes!

And by that I mean every part of the process: thinking about clothes, creating outfits in my mind, shopping for all the different items in those outfits. Of course, as soon as I've gotten my freshly manicured hands on the items, the best part is the actual trying on of said outfits!

What I also love.. is that there is no real right and wrong with creating outfits. Sure, there is the occasional fashion faux-pas.. but even then, you will find at least a few dozen of people who actually like your outfit.

(wait, are you telling me that there isn't one singular opinion about everything???
this truly is stunning brand new information!)

Anyway, ever since I finished my walk-in closet, I realised how much stuff I actually possessed.. and armed with that insight, I was determined to do less shopping for new stuff and more combining to create new outfits with whatever I had hanging.

My first mission, which I chose to accept, was.. to create a number of outfits centered around a white top. This, of course, with spring and summer in mind.. the seasons that usually go hand in hand with high temperatures.

The first outfit: I combined the top with a grey skirt. A black skirt would have been nice as well.. but with a white top, I'd feel too much like waitress (though I haven't seen that many waitresses wear 5 inch heels). Since I was going with the grey theme, I also chose a darker grey cropped jacket. It was cold outside, so leggings were the obvious choice.

The second outfit: again I went for grey, but now in the form of jeans. This outfit is more for fashionable shopping. I wanted to add brown colours to this outfit, so the boots, jacket and the bag add a nice bit of contrast. A brown belt would've been nice as well, but that just seemed too easy!

The third and last outfit: for this I went double-white... both the top and the trousers! This is what I would wear to work during the spring if a) I also had a lunch-date outside the building and b) a job where such outfits are actually the norm. :-P

Hope you like the outfits.. let me know what you think!

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