
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Tassia in the UK - shop till you drop in Southampton

So, my previous post was basically showing off the golden dress I got during the shopping trip in the centre of Southampton. I do hope you liked the golden dress, because one of my next posts will also contain a golden dress.. a different one.. not mine but of a friend.. but nevertheless golden. :P

My shopping partner was actually wearing the blue dress and the black gladiator sandal heels during the whole shopping trip. I, on the other hand, didn't really know what the standard shopping outfit was in England. And when I don't know.. I just play it safe and go for jeans, top and vest. And no super high heels.. just boots with a normal 4 inch heel. :)

Obviously, I didn't just shop.. I was also doing touristy things and this pic above is me standing at a medieval Southampton city gate, called The Bargate. I'm sure you all know Wikipedia, so I'll leave the tour guide stuff up to you. :P

It was a very busy spot and at a certain point, I was tired of waiting for a moment without other people, so my friend just clicked the button and we were on our way!

Seeing as I already have a lot of crap in my closet, I told my friend that I didn't really need anything in particular. However, if she knew a few good places to look at shoes.. then I'd be very happy! :)

So, after a few stores, we ended up at the New Look and they had a lot of shoes I liked including these two pairs of white heels. Which ones do you like the most?

I hope you said you like the peeptoe pumps because those are the ones I bought.. together with black ones.

We did some more shopping and bought a few more things.. and walked around in the shopping mall. I wish I had the figure of that model displayed on the screen! :P

After a fun day, we went outside the mall, soaked up some daylight and had a frappucino at the local StarBucks.. and then we went home where we had a delicious dinner cooked up by my shopping partner, after which we did some modelling with me in the golden dress!

As you might have noticed, I uploaded a video with me in the SuperTrash Orange World Cup 2014 dress. I'm not going to spend a separate post on it, so enjoy! :)

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